Potato Soil Health Manual
Extension factsheets
What makes healthy soils?
What is the microbiome?
Biofumigation: Is it a viable alternative?
Improving soil with cover cropping in potatoes
Soil health indicators for potato cropping systems
Soil-borne pathogens and pests in potato production systems
Fumigation use in potato production systems
Disease suppressive soils
What are beneficial soil microbes?
Potato soil fertility basics and options
Nematodes for soil health
Basics of potato economics
Animal manures as organic amendments in potato cropping systems
USDA Reports
Enhancing Soil Health in U.S. Potato Production Systems, Year 1 Progress Report, USDA SCRI
Enhancing Soil Health in U.S. Potato Production Systems, Year 2 Progress Report, USDA SCRI
Enhancing Soil Health in U.S. Potato Production Systems, Year 3 Progress Report, USDA SCRI
Enhancing Soil Health in U.S. Potato Production Systems, Year 4 Progress Report, USDA SCRI